This repo shall contain all the content for my senior year at La Salle College Prep.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Connection to text
## Instructions
(5 points each for 3 sources)
__Possible souurces:__
> 1. "Unearthing of a Calling" from _Garden City_ by John Mark Comer
> 2. "Everything is Spiritual" from _Garden City_ by John Mark Comer
> 3. "Kazam! Machine" from _Garden City_ by John Mark Comer
> 4. Biblical Texts; Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, 1 Thessalonians, Matthew 6 (Only Counts as one source)
> 5. "Deep Work is Meaningful" from _Deep Work_ by Cal Newport
> 6. "Passion is Rare" from _So Good They Can't Ignore You_ by Cal Newport
There are two objectives for you to achive for your audience (me).
1. demonstrate to me that you have read te text in question. Effective engagement with the text will include multiple direct or shelpful summaries of the text. . When in doubt, I recommend multiple, appropritate, and direct quotations per sources in your writing to clearly demonstrate that you critically reflected on the text. You should annotate as you read so that remembering the flow of argument and pulling effective quotations is not more difficult.
2. Demonstrate to me that you have reflected on the text and incorperated the text or a reaction to it into your reflective or active process of completing the assignment.
Example format:
**Deep Work is Meaningful:**
A paragraph or two connecting the text (with multiple quotations) to your process of completing the project.
## Assignment
**Deep Work is Meaningful:**
In deep work is meaningful John Mark Comer illustrates how spending time on deeper work makes it that we feel more fulfilled because of the fact that we are challenge. This is also the case in the resume because it allowes me to get the job that woud allow me to spend time doing deep work.