This repo shall contain all the content for my senior year at La Salle College Prep.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Balancing Minority and Majority Rights
## Plessy v Ferguson (1896)
The case that set up the seperate but equal space which was kept until brown v board of ed
## Equal Protection Clause
people needed equal protection under the law for the due process
## "Seperate but equal"
Having different spaces for people of color and those who were white was ok as long as they were given equal treatment
## Freedom-of-Choice Plans
an attempt at ignoring the desegrigation order. used imtimidation and making the student in charge of transfering into desegrigated schools
## Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg (1971)
the solution to integrate NC was to make a mathematical ratio to achive higher levels of integration. White-to-black was 71;29. That ratio was what the NC school district be what it needed.
## White Flight
the movement of whites inot the suburbs leaving those people of color in the inner cities
## Think as a political scientist
#### What are Justice Frankfurter's reasons for the Court's decision?
The court already stated that Brown v. Board of Ed clearly stated the situation of this policy. And since that decision theere were no further saftey issues after the inital change
#### How do these reasons support the decision in Brown v. Board of Education?
They show that this was protected under the 14th amendment,
## Majority-Minority Districts
when a minority group is allowed to have their own voting district in order to avoid one group of voters being spread thin across multiple voting districts and giving them even less space and chanse for participating in a democratic vote
## Essential question: How has the Supreme Court allowed the restriction of the civil rights of minorities and at other times protected those rights? Complete the tables below
|Restrictions of minority rights | Protections of Minority Rights |
| plessy v ferguson | brown v board of ed |
| seperate but equal | brown v board of ed and later cases|
| gerymandering | majority-minority districts|