This repo shall contain all the content for my senior year at La Salle College Prep.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Dystonia
Description of the disorder
1. what anatomical structure is being affected?
a. it is the misfiring of the brain which sends the wrong signals to the muscles.
2. Physically what do we see/ what symtoms in humans with this condition
a. we see spiraling contortions and tons of irregular motor movements
resulting effect on body systems
1. what changes functionality about the primary body system
a. it no longer follows the brian intentions and then follows the sparatic signals from the innner brain
2. What might change homeostatically to the primary system
a. his muscles just fire randomly and constantly
lifestyle changes
1. are there treatments
a. there are no treatments for the dystonia but there are many resolving issues
2. are ther precautions / preventative actions?
a. using dbs they can stimulate the brain in order to imrpove the body
b. there are no precautions