# Affirmative Action Affirmative Action label put on institutional efforts to diversify by race, gender or otherwise. Fed gover somewhat supports this idea. Think as a political scientist: Explain how political and policies apply to different scenarios Practice: read the synopses of Both Gratz v. Bollinger and Gruter v. Bollinger at oyez.org or a similar site. Then study the decisions and reasonings in each case as expressed in the majority opinions. Explain why the different scenarios behind the cases led to different legal conclusions on the principle of equal protection. Reference page 374. Because the Law school did individualized analisies and also did its inclusion of race in the process which did not unduly harm nonminority applicants The other school allowed every underrepresented minority into the school which was a more board process Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978) case where the individual involved did better than those minorities and was still rejected, and that was becaause the slots were filled already. Since Bakke it has been an odd concept of law becuse they have often been quite inconsistent between rulings and doing cases on a case by case basis Essential Question: How has affirmative action shaped the Surpeme Court's restriction or protection of the civil rights of minorities. Completfe the tables below. |Affirmative Action Being Protection by the Supreme Court: | Affirmative Action Being Restricted by the Supreme Court: | |---|---| | Gruter v. Bollinger | Gratz v Bollinger |