# Warmups from the beginning of anatomy classes ## Mar. 9 2022 What are the three components connective tissue? Suspended cells, ground substance, and protein fibers Describe the difference between cartilage and bone? connective tissue that holds the bones together what does collagen do in our body? Where would it most likely be found? Support: collagen -> rebar. body concrete w/ rebar helps with healthy joints and skin elasticity or stretchiness What are the four steps of bone healing? 1. inflamation 2. puts a cartilage cover over the bone 3. osteogenesis 4. remodeling and addition of compact bone Explain hypocalcemia vs hypercalcemia. What is the main difference in the effectors of the respective loops? Hypocalcemia: having a low amount of calcium regulation (weak bones, muscle cramps, seizures) Hypercalcemic: Kidney failure, weak bones?!, lethargy, fatigue, depression Sections involved in calcemia: * bones * intestines * kindnys "i have too many skeletons" - Mr. Kain