# Muscles Part 2 ## muscle tension * isotonic, movement * concentric - shorten * eccentric - lengthen * isometric, no movement always needs nervous system input difference between stability and movement basically ## Motor units and recruitment neurons that go to specific fibers motor unit - plus muscle fibers that it communicate with. allows for changing value of force used. activate muscles in rotation - so we avoid over stressing dont use till it is no longer working. just rotate so that the transitions are less jaring ## Muscles rarely completly relax muscle tone when not flexing is because of higher muscle density hypertonia - too few recruited muscles (unable to move) hypertonia - too muchj muscle stress (unable to relax) ## Skeletal Muscle Movement * form dictates function * muscles are attached to bones to allow for movement * muscle origin - anchor point (bicept on the humerous /scapulus) * muscle insertion - (bicept to radius) you will have a chart of origin, insertion, action elbow hinge joint muscles are with joints ## Muscles (almost) never work alone * aiding, opposite work together prime mover/ agonist -> main muscle moving things synergist -> assits movement antagonist -> opposite movement of agonist * maintains body position * needed for rapid movement