# Political Parties ### Linkage Instructions channels that connect people with teh government ### Robocalls prerecorded phone messaged delivered automatically to the large numper of people ### Platform list of beliefs and political goals ### Republican Party Platform conservaitve doctrine. strong national defense, reduction of government spending, limited regulations ### Democratic Party Platform agressive efforts for minority rights and stronger protections for the env. Democrats are more for government services for the cizenry and programs to solve public problems ### National Convention gathering of party leaders to find the leaders of their groups for that election cycle ### Candidate Recruitment some parties want people to just be their leaders because of their national regonition ### Campaign Management people try to find people who will evangalize their canidate and then share thei ideology. ### Fundraising and Media Strategy most parties spend lots of money in order to win elections. such as spending on hotel, travel, advertizements, staff, etc ### War Chest money they already have saved from their previous election gig/being popular enough ### Social Media twitter, faceboo, instagram, youtube. Here people use this to spread their message to others on those platforms and to get donors and voters ### Democratic National Comittee (DNC) for the democrats ### Republican National Committee (RNC) for the republicans ### National Chairperson the person hwho is the cheif strategiest or spokesperson. tends to be the face of the party ### Congressional Campaign Commitee in Congress members of congress who have permanent offices and try to recruit candidates and re-elect incumbents. Polls, help with fundraising etc. ### Think as a Political Scientist describe with examples how political parties attempt to accomplish each of the following functions. 1. Moblize and aducate voters televison and social media are predominantly used 2. Create platforms that define their ideas and goals use polling information in order to understand the issues that people feel are nimportant 3. Recruitment candidates either the party wants people or the campaign comittee tries to have this coccur 4. Manage Campaigns finances and etc are done by the campaign management who work on keeping the promotion going and get the right groups 5. Provide Comittee and party leadership systems in the legislature this is where the spoils system gets into place? ### Essential Question: What role does link intuitions play in political parties, and what effect do political parties have on the elaborate and government? 1. How political Parties Connect Citizens to Government parties help organize people in order to make finding people you are more likely to agree with simpler. 2. Impact of political parties on government and Policy these types of parties also cause much polarization between the parties which leads to much more big swings between the administrations # Third-Party Politics ### Minor Parties not the big parites. Technically the current parties were not major when they started but have since become behemoths ### Third Parties Same thign as a minor party ### Ideological Parties created because the people helieve in the same ideologies across multiple issues ### Splinter Parties when large fraction of members break off from a major party. Pres. Teddy Roosevelt made a new party when the republicans did not accept him ### Economic-Protest Parties parties taht are against one specific goal. Greenback party: opposed monopolies ### Single-Issue Parties parties that are created arround one single issue. such as the prohibition party and the Green Party for enviornmentalists ### Modern Third Parties many third parties do not get very far with the presidential elections because they do not have the same numbers as the major parites. only seem to take votes away from the major canidaites tightening up the races ### Think as a Political Scientist: Read the popular vote election summaries and answer the questions that follow. 1. What is one inference you can draw abou the impact of third-party candidates from the results of these presidential elections? the third party canidates have become less and less effective in capturing people's votes. As this has happened the margins that votes have happened in have increased for the majority parties significantly 2. Why are third-party candidates not as successful as there in the examples above in most presidential elections? it is clear that with the extra division in the voting process the third party canidates have much higher difficulty with capturing the elector's votes 3. Despite intitutional barriers to winning a presidential election, how do third parties influence elections they tend to influence the margins of the over competitions between the major parties. Stealing votes essentially which tightens up the races ### Single-Member Districts it makes it such that there is a winner-take all system ### Ballot Access independents often have diffuculties getting on the ballot itself. This requires a fee and minimum signatures. This is often much more difficult for the smaller third party parties ### Winner-Take-All Voting System the largest barrier of the voting system is by far the Electoral College. Here states give all of their votes to one canidates. Essential they do not share their votes for non major parites ### Swing States states that could go either way in an election. Get the most attention ebcause they are are so contended. Often also called battleground states ### Essential Question: How do structural barriers impact third-party and independent candidate's success? 1. barriers ot candidate's or party's success everything. lol. but specifically much of the system we have developed in our country strongly favors a majority party 2. Explanation of Limits ???