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Four Final Catholic Vocations

(Four States of Life) vocations are not states of matter (as in they change)

These are intended to be the things for your life

The Milpa

equilibriem of growth. from the myans. sustainable farming

The Milpa of Vocation

  1. community
  2. prayer
  3. meaningful work
  4. effective stewardship and generosity
  5. meaningful rest

Universal Vocation: Priests and Rulers Material from N.T. Wright

people should be like a mirror

  • we reflect human world to God
  • we reflect Heaven to the world

also refered to as: Love God and Love Your Neighbor Material from Bishop Robert Barron

Consecrated life

like monks or nuns

Religous Orders: a group ow way of life or charism

in the world brothers sisters
monasteries monks nuns

Brothers run the schools

La Salle -> Christian Brothers

Every order has a specific charism or focus

  • charism is a particular skill set, passion, gift, and/or essential intent given by God.


Producer:: Makes the acutal thing happen. Usually marked by hands-on work. Often given tasks to complete by others. Often has a tangible connection between work done and the result. * programmer, construction worker, cook * easier work-life balance

Manager: Works to maintain and control systems through consistency and accountability with a goal of efficiency and stability. * Has manager in the title often lol * communication and process * keep the good thing going. Conservative view on maintaining. * details and day to day

Leader: OProvides vision, inspiration, and mission to a group. Can welcome chaos and take the long view. Given to abstract and creative thinking. * longer term view * ok with longer later stuff * not as detail oriented

Side-Note: Leader & manager: HIBT from NPR

going to college is similar to monastic system. Similar to the monk life. everyone is going for the same thing.

natural trade-off is the long term relationship b/w monastic and long term

Three Vows and Charism to the consecrated life

  1. Poverty (sacrifice private ownership to serve the community)
  2. Chastity (sacrifice romantic relationship for the fellowship of brothers/sisters)
  3. Obedience (sacrifice personal preference for the sake of the community)
    • no career-building, serve the community for the community


  1. Those in the consecrated life work to follow the way of Jesus literally.
  2. Support the community

Particular communities have particular charisms:

Hospitality, Prayer/Work, Service to the Poor, Preaching, Education, Healthcare

Focus on order: The Benedictines

  • first official religious order: early 600s at the fall of the roman empire
  • Charism of Stability:
    • stay on the land that you are on
    • monostaries are self-sufficient
    • you stay on that land
    • Not a big value on people at our time
    • "boredom is a goal not a problem"
    • good goal for the world because of climate change
  • Charism: Prayer and Work:
    • fields: grow and prepare food
    • artwork
    • candles
    • beer
    • wine
    • cheese
    • bread
    • translations
    • "everything is spiritual"
  • Hospitality
    • see and treat anyone who comes to the monastery like Jesus, himself.
    • Sr. Rosemary Nyirumbe
      • being nice to child solders in Uganda
    • Brian Loritts
      • the people who you eat with is your community
  • Holy Leisure
    • the spending of small time is not efficient
    • resting, going slower can provide meaning


Married Life

Single Life

tends to be rare to be decided. Not seen as the alternative because you haven't decided.

wont be looked over in this class really