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Chapter 12: Citizen's Belifs and Political Ideology

Political Socialization

the process under which you develop your political beliefs

Political Socialization by Family

regarded as the largest influence on socalization. "Kitchen table politics" 71%of teens have the same political ideology as their parents

Political Socalization by School

some topics found in classes might influence a student politically depending on the major the group of students in there may be leaning conservative or republian

Political Socalization by Peers

the people aortound you will push how people believe. peer pressure works to activate civic function

Political Socalization by Media

because "the youngens" spend so much time on screens this may be the largest influence in the future because they spend less time with family members. engaging with content also allow the student to find their political views much better

Political Socalization by religious and Civic Institutions

religions have a philosophy and therefore influence how people view politics as well.

civic institutions: non gov, non-buisness either gives diversity or further amplifies their current one

Political Socalization by Geography

location location location: influences all the above facts.

Think as a political scientist

Study the map and answer the questions that follow

  1. How do factors of political socalization explain the results on the map? geography and religion are a massive influence on how this election went.

  2. Explain the implications of this information by looking for patterns and trends. For example are there any meaningful clusters of states? the states on the outer sides of the country tend to stay democrat and the inner states tend to stay republican

  3. Based on what you know about the main regions of the United States (West, Midwest, South, Northeast), do you see any patterns? If so, how might you explain them? it seems that just like the statement above that the midwest and south tend to be in republican and conservative leaning ideologies.


ever-expanding and increasing interactive world economny

U.S. Influence on Other Contries

the us is one of the dominant economic powers affecting globalization. US biz is everywhere our cultural values are influensing local people who might have different cultural values

Influence of Other Countries on the U.S.

Immigration! as people move into the us they bring their values and that gets brought into the culture

Global Identification

EU. Bringing many countries together in order to have a shared thing. IDK cultural kinship

Essential Question

How do factors influence political attitues and socalizations?
Influence on political attitude and socialization
Family massive personal connection on individual
School intelectual connection in individual
Peer large personal connection on individuals and peers (peer pressure)
Media HUGE impact on "youngens"
Social Enviornment affects the collective perspective
Location affects the collective perspective