This repo shall contain all the content for my senior year at La Salle College Prep.
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Osteogenesis Imperfecta

  1. Description of the disorder
    • what anatomical structure is actually being affected?
      • bones are the affected areas
    • physically what doe we see for the people?
      • thre is not much of a visual output because it is simply the limitation of collagen.
  2. Resulting effect on body systems
    • what changes functuanally about the primary body system?
      • the body has difficulty keep ing itself
    • other changes that might occur?
      • lungs because collogen is in other muscles
  3. Lifestyle changes
    • treatements?
      • no direct ones
      • but additions to bones even steel rods
      • can take drugs directly in the body to strengthen the body
      • therapy
      • future genetic solutions to the genetic problem
    • precautions?
      • careful practice in development
      • having splints on the bones to cover

Fibrodysoplasioa Osificans Progressiva

  1. Descripton of the disorder
    • What anatomical structure is actually being affected?
      • the bones are the affected
    • What we hysically see?
      • the dead tissue puts a bone there which will cause new weird bones
  2. Resulting effect on body systems
    • What changes functually about the primary body system?
      • the body grows bones all over because of the stem cells that are responsible for creating scar tissue make bone growth
    • What potential changes might occur homeostatically?
      • Systems of the body will cause locking which will loose leverage ability
  3. Lifestyle changes
    • treatements?
      • none
    • precautions?
      • avoiding getting sick, and avoiding flareups so that the body does not put bones anywhere.

Content correlation and connection

What cells are involved?

Osteoclasts and osteoblasts because in OI they dont have enough bones and in FOV they have too little. This is because in OI the osteoblasts do not make up for everything that the bones are being broken by the osteoclasts. And in FOV the osteoblasts are overactive and cause extra growth of bones throughout the body.

What tissues are involved?

bone /cell physiology going awry?