This repo shall contain all the content for my senior year at La Salle College Prep.
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# Government Responses to Social Movements
* Fourteenth Amendment
* Foundation for policy and social movmements for equality. Protections for freed slaves, promised citizenship to all born or natrulized people, and required states to garuntee privleges to its citizens, and everyone was to be prosecuted in the same laws
* Fifteenth Amendment
* prohibited states from denying voting for race, color or previous condition of servitude
* Literacy Test
* a test of reading skills that made it harder for people of color to vote because they did not have the reading skills given on these tests because of vast amounts of inequity
* Poll Tax
* a fee required for voters which was an effective way to force people to not vote unless they had money (aka were white)
* Grandfather Clause
* allowed states to register people who had a recognized its grandfather, this eliminated many because of the troubles of integration
* White Primary
* only white men could vote which would keep people of color out of the selection process
* Jim Crow Laws
* segrigation of races in the public sphere
* Required Court Case: Brown v. Board of Ed.
* the big case that made sure segregation was not legal.
Think like a political scientist
1. What is a similarity between the Civil Rights Act of 1875 and the decision in Brown v. Board of Education?
* It is similar because they civil rights act created part of the framework of the rights utilized in the brown v board of ed
* both sources show that discrimination based on race and color should not be allowed and that holds
2. What events or conditions necessitated the Brown decision after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1875?
* It was still necessary for the civil rights movement in order to push of rht acutal usage of the rights put in the act.
* Title II
* This one provision that made it possible for a white buisness owner to refuse a black patron
* Civil Rights Act of 1964
* established the equal employment opportunity comission which investicages discrimination in workplaces. "we have removed all elements of second-class citizenship"
* Twenty-fourth Amendment
* proposal which outlaws poll tax in federeal, primary, or general election.
* Voting Rights Act
* allowed congress and feds to oversee state elections in southern states and made sure it was done to the standard of other federal laws
Essential Question: How has the government responded to social movements? Complete the tables below.
| Government Response to Social Movements: | Effects of the Government's Action: |
| --- | --- |
| civil rights | court cases, and laws: Brown, Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act|