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# English Pre-Essay Writing Draft
* Essay introduction completed (thesis, thesis support sentence)
* Completed 2 paragraphs to support claim 1, (3-4) textual examples from the text to support the claim
* Topic sentence for Claim 2 and 2-3 bulleted textual evidence examples
* Topic sentence for claim 3 and 2-3 bulleted textual evidence examples
### Thesis
While some may argue that Kate is a character that needs to be tamed, Shakespeare's Kate demonstrates that women had feelings but often lost their autonomy when getting married.
The plan of claims:
* before
* during
* after
### Pre-write
Shakespeare's Taming of the Shew is one play that is shrowded with some mystery. Play demonstrates the vast experiences of the social hierarchy in during that time in England. Some of the behaviors between the characters nowadays would be heavily frowned upon or even just lawsuits waiting to happen. Much of these issues and dynamics that are still a massive issue in the present world are investigated or put into satire for the audience by Shakespeare through Kate. While some may argue that Kate is a character that needs to be tamed, Shakespeare's Kate demonstrates that women had feelings but often lost their autonomy when getting married. ***TODO: THIS NEED IMPROVEMENT ->*** This is outlined how Kate's outbursts showed the regular emotions and when she is "tamed" they disappeared, her regular behavior changes dramatically as she is being tamed, and after becoming tamed Kate begins to behave like a "proper" woman and fully has lost her autonomy.
One of the most obvious ways in which Kate was no longer acting in her own manner was when she would no longer express her regular day to day frustrations.
* Kate acting shrewdly when being courted
* Act 2, Scene 1
* Kate acting shrewdly to her father
* Kate acting shrewdly to her sister
* Act 2, Scene 1
Claim 2: Kate's behavior also throughout the play changes as she further gets controled.
* Kate went out of her way to go stop her husband from attacking his servant.
* Act 4, Scene 1: "how she was bemoiled, how he left her with the horse upon her, how he beat me because her horse stumbled, how she waded through the dirt to pluck him off me, how he swore, how she prayed that never prayed before" 70-74
* Act 4 Scene 2: "The more my wrong, the more his spite appears. What, did he marry me to famish me? Beggars tht come unto my father's door upon entreaty have a present alms. If not, elsewhere they meet with charity. But I, who never knew how to entreat
Claim 3: After becoming tamed Kate behaves like a "proper" woman and loses her autonomy
* Kate listens to her husband
* Kate explains that women were created for men
* Kate explains that women should try ot support their husbands
* no longer attacks men