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Ideology & Economic Policy

Political Ideology and the Marketplace

using government policy to further economic development by using taxes, spending programs etc.

Keynessian Economics

Deal with economic policy related to gov spending and taxation. Beleif that economy wont operate on 100% cap without government involvement Gov should step in and do demand if it is falling too low

Fiscal Policy

economic policy related to gov spending ant taxes

Multiplier effect

mechanism where increasing spending causes economic growth greater than the amount of spending

Supply-Side Economics

(fiscal conservatives) belif that the gov should leave as much of money supply to the people and let laws of economics deal with the market. laissez-faire market theory


article 1 of constitution gives congress taxation powers

Sixteenth Amendment

allowed congress to tax people's incomes

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

goverment agency that manegess collection process of taxes

Progressive Tax

as one gets better so does one's taxes

Flat Tax

all citizens should be taxed the same amount


government spends its budget on different things depending on the party. Both parties need to vote on the acutal budget.

Federal Suprlus and Deficit Chart

often we have a lot less surplus government spending. especially since the 2008 financial crisis.

Monetary Policy

how the goverment manages supply and demend of its currency and the value of the dollar.


too much dollars in circulation and then ricing prices and devaluation of the dollar occurs

Federal Reserve Board

gov agency that manages the monetary policy by buying and selling securities and bonds, as well as the amount of money reqiired at reserves as well as setting interest rates.

Discount Rate

the interest rate at which the government loans actual dollars to comerical banks. tends to set the interest rates for consumers as well

Reserve Requirement

every bank needs to keep a certain amount of money in their reserves in order to prevent a great depression. effects how much the bank can loan out.


government IOSs - promise that the US will pay back later with interest.

-- note to self: i need to buy a bond

Federal Reserve and the Economy


Think as a Political Scientist

Study the graphics and answer the questions that follow

  1. What inferences can be made from the data?

that as the economy has declined the discount rate has lowered in order to help boost the economy 2. What additional information about the government's economic activity over this period might make this graphic more valuable in understanding

showing different historical events relating to the us history, vietnam war, cold war, economic bubbles etc

Differing Views on Monetary Policy Globalization

people view money very differently as it is a political discussion.

some thing easy-money is good while others look back at history and state that it is a contributing factor to bad events

Trade Balance

nation that exports more than it imports

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)

1994 agreement between US, Canada, Mexico. Removed import taxes between in order to make a more competative continent compared to the EU and Europe

Essential Question: What are the differing political ideologies in the government's role in regulating the marketplace, and what impact do those ideologies have?

  1. Conservative Ideology (Regulating the Marketplace, Fiscal Poilicy, Monetary Policy, Trade) Do not like to regulate the market, government should make the economy handle eveythign itself and that the banks should manage money so make interest rates low
  2. Liberal Ideology (Regulating the Marketplace, Fiscal Poilicy, Monetary Policy, Trade) regulate and incentivise programs in order to further social progress, taxes should be different for people so that money is fairly used