This repo shall contain all the content for my senior year at La Salle College Prep.
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Muscles Part 2

muscle tension

  • isotonic, movement
    • concentric - shorten
    • eccentric - lengthen
  • isometric, no movement

always needs nervous system input

difference between stability and movement basically

Motor units and recruitment

neurons that go to specific fibers

motor unit - plus muscle fibers that it communicate with. allows for changing value of force used.

activate muscles in rotation - so we avoid over stressing

dont use till it is no longer working. just rotate so that the transitions are less jaring

Muscles rarely completly relax

muscle tone when not flexing is because of higher muscle density

hypertonia - too few recruited muscles (unable to move)

hypertonia - too muchj muscle stress (unable to relax)

Skeletal Muscle Movement

  • form dictates function
    • muscles are attached to bones to allow for movement
  • muscle origin - anchor point (bicept on the humerous /scapulus)
  • muscle insertion - (bicept to radius)

you will have a chart of origin, insertion, action

elbow hinge joint muscles are with joints

Muscles (almost) never work alone

  • aiding, opposite work together

prime mover/ agonist -> main muscle moving things

synergist -> assits movement

antagonist -> opposite movement of agonist

  • maintains body position
  • needed for rapid movement